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Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill: ‘I Can No Longer Visit My Family’ – Ghanaian Gay Journalist ‘Cries’

A former broadcaster at Metro TV who now resides in the United States,  Ignatius Annor says he fears for his life following the passage of the anti-LGBTQ+ bill in Ghana.

According to him, hearing the news as he went to work left him heartbroken and had to take a day off for himself.

Ignatius Annor dreads he may not have the opportunity to return home to his family and also sympathized with his fellow homosexuals living in Ghana.

He wrote:

“Wednesday, February 28. I had finished producing a video story for socials and saw the news of Ghana’s passage of the anti-LGBTQ+ bill online. My heart started to beat super fast, and my body began to tremble.

It was four hours into my shift, and now I couldn’t focus. I felt my eyes beginning to well up while working on this breaking news. I picked up my sunglasses and put them on. I hurried into the boss’ office after wiping the parts my glasses couldn’t hide.

I requested to take the rest of the day off, citing personal reasons. Kate, Hayde, thank you for holding me in my most vulnerable state. In that moment, I felt the pain of every Ghanaian yearning to be themselves in truth.

And, most personal to me is the lost opportunity to visit my family. Here’s what I know, living in truth is the most powerful tool one has. Leah, Deirdre, Marine, and Todd, I thank you for the outpouring of love and support. They meant so much to me.”



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